Make every coach your Star Coach.

Every gym has that one Star Coach. Everyone knows of her. Everyone wants her. Everyone feels great in her class. And her classes are fully booked.

That’s why whenever your phone rings for another preschool booking, you’re silently freaking out that you’ve booked them in with Miss Ashleigh, who tries really hard, but let’s get real - she’s just not your Star Coach.

If only you could clone her. 

It’s time to run the gym with the best reputation, without the freaky science. 


Preschool Coaches League is a complete coach training program that gives coaches childhood development education, a roadmap for exactly how to teach (and manage!) young children, plus ongoing lessons+support for continued growth.

Enrollment opens soon - Early 2023!

Get on the waitlist

Having consistently trained coaches is one of the biggest problems Directors and Owners face.

Training is a constant & ongoing process

Coaches can come and go, created a constant demand for training, onboarding, and continuing education.

You need coaches in front of kids yesterday

You rush through onboarding or training, just to get coaches in the gym, hoping shadowing or "learning as they go" works out.

Coaches often lack age-specific knowledge

New or inexperienced coaches may have passion or even a gymnastics background, but they won't know how kids work.

Good training takes a ton of time, money & work

Creating, implementing, and uploading training is time consuming and often scattered, leading to mixed results.

Are you ready to have coaches who are engaging, creative, disciplined, and confident — no matter their experience or background?


Preschool Coaches League

PCL is the best way to put every coach in your gym on the same page, give them a common language and set of rules, and create clear expectations for all.

It's the only preschool coach training program that:

  • Is exclusively for preschool coaches and preschool programs.
  • Is designed with accountability, meaning, and impact at its core.
  • Offers ongoing learning, training, and support for continued skill-building.
  • Allows coaches, owners, and directors to assign specific lessons to each coach depending on learning gaps and needs.


CORE TRAINING modules for consistent coaching


Total hours of CORE TRAINING


New CONTENT BOOSTS delivered each month


Exclusive & Private Coaches-ONLY Community

PCL's Core Training cracks open a whole new world.

Coach training is the single biggest source of anxiety for most of the Owners and Directors I know.

Coaches are often young, inexperienced, or part-time. But they LOVE kids and gymnastics. If we could only open up their heads and pour all of our years of experience and knowledge into them!

So how do you train them up quickly, consistently, and often?

Preschool Coaches League will give your coaches the child development knowledge, teaching frameworks, and resources that will build a confident coach-training foundation and fuel your program's growth.

5 stages of success in PCL


Build Your Base

In this stage, coaches learn the basics of childhood development and how to create a solid preschool program foundation (Retention Rocks).

This module creates a base-knowledge for every coach that’s grounded in connection and teaching The Whole Child.


Prep Your Plan

In this stage, coaches learn what to look for in the gym, how to prep for a class when handed a pre-made lesson plan, and other core concepts unique to Preschool Coaches League — the head and the heart of preschool, intention+magic, and connection-based rituals. 

This is the stuff that transforms programs quickly!


Focus Your Teaching

In this stage, coaches will learn “The Kid-focused Teaching Cycle” and the exact elements required to have a successful preschool class. 

This is where they will learn how to meet the needs of individual gymnasts by bringing lessons from stages 1 and 2 INTO the gym.


Herd Your Cats

In this stage, coaches get tactical. They will learn PCL’s two signature management tactics that will put them in control of 80% of class management issues, while also learning a simple framework for confidently talking to parents


Rock the Gym

At this stage, coaches learn how to consistently increase rigor in their classes. They will understand what’s happening — developmentally — with each age group, including speedbumps, the things every coach should anticipate.

Knowing how to anticipate developmental challenges separates experienced coaches from the rest.

Enrollment is now closed until 2023!

Ongoing Learning Boosts Make Progress Easy and Growth Fast!

While coaches are busy putting their coaching plan and building background knowledge in the core training, they will also get monthly and quarterly learning Boosts to help them implement their ideas and take action.

The Boosts are quick hits that deliver a balance of strategy and tactics to help coaches move the preschool program and their own coaching practices forward, simultaneously.


4-5 minute, bite-sized CHILD DEVELOPMENT tips about varying preschool ages. Think of these as tiny deep-dives on what to look for in specific classes with specific ages in mind.


Looking for feedback on your ideas? Want to connect with other coaches? Ask Sarah Fennell-Cooper, creator of PCL, anything on your mind, in a whole-group setting.


Walk-throughs and demonstrations of core Preschool Gymnastics skills to help coaches sharpen their practice, all firmly rooted in the foundation gymnastics skills training.


No one's born being a preschool management master. So we focus on improving management skills for all preschool classes and ages, with one easy-to-implement tactic per month.

Hi, I'm Sarah.

I’ve been in the gymnastics industry for over 20 years. In the 90s, I rocked a killer crushed-velvet leo during my 10 years as a competitive gymnast in Canada. While my outfits are a little more subdued these days, I’ve been a Preschool Gymnastics Director in the U.S. and New Zealand, where I sharpened my philosophies, lessons, and strategies for growing preschool programs.

I spent five years as a Kindergarten classroom teacher at a Title I school. In that time, I also earned my Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, giving me a deep understanding of the developmental phases of early childhood education.

As the founder and creator of Happy Gymnastics, I’m proud to have helped hundreds of gym owners & preschool directors around the world use their preschool programs to grow their gyms.

Sarah Fennell-Cooper, Founder of Happy Gymnastics


PCL is perfect for coaches of all levels — but it's not for everyone.

Preschool Coaches League is:

  • A rock-solid foundation of child development concepts.
  • A deeper understanding of developmental milestones and what’s appropriate in a gym.
  • Recognition of children’s social, emotional, and physical stages.
  • Open-ended instruction you can tailor to your gym.
  • Instructions for how to best meet children’s needs in ways that are appropriate for their development.
  • The creation of a personalized whole-child coaching plan for immediate use.
  • On-going, continuous education, instruction, feedback, and support for ALL coaches.

Preschool Coaches League is not:

  • Spotting techniques.
  • A bunch of station ideas.
  • A dry and boring list of developmental milestones.
  • A one-and-done training to just sit coaches in front of and hope they get.
  • A one-size-fits-all curriculum.

Hiring a new hourly employee costs an average of $3,400.

More than HALF of that goes toward training.

There's no such thing as a "cheap hire" but there ARE ways to make your training process more efficient and productive.

With Preschool Coaches League, you can rest assured that every time you onboard a new coach, their training is grounded in rock-solid child development knowledge...

All while giving them the freedom to bring their own personality and style to each class.

Stop guessing what your coaches need. Stop using your free time to research and create new trainings.

Start creating properly and consistently trained coaches — with a clear path to success — to watch your preschool program FLY!

Did someone say bonuses?!

Yes, please.


Hang these printable charts in your preschool area to remind coaches what kids in each age group can do (plus, they can use these to help plan gymnastics stations).


This stand alone class gives your coaches a complete overview of early childhood brain development and walks them through how changes impact their coaching practices.


Hang these printable charts in your preschool area to remind coaches what's developmentally appropriate for your youngest gymnasts.

Want a Sneak Peek?

Preschool Coaches League has SOOOO much to offer your coaches and your gym. Here's a quick look at what you can expect.

Choose a plan that's right for your gym's size...

Whether you're a Director at a gym with multiple locations or the Owner of a small-but-mighty mobile program, we know how important training is for everyone.

PCL Value Chart

Each of our pricing tiers is designed with gym size in mind, so you can maintain quality coaching no matter how big you are.

And if you grow (or shrink), you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.

*Have more than 35 coaches or multiple gym locations under one brand? Contact us to create a custom plan.

Tippy Toes

Whether you've got one coach to train or a handful, this plan is just right for smaller gyms of 1-7 coaches.

$159/month USD

*Your owner and all directors will be counted as part of your total number.

Monkey Jump

Moderately sized gyms with 8-15 coaches to train will find themselves right at home in this level.

$229/month USD

*Your owner and all directors will be counted as part of your total number.


Got a lot of coaches? This level is designed to meet the needs of larger gyms that need to train 16-35 coaches.

$369/month USD

*Your owner and all directors will be counted as part of your total number.

You're building a premier program. PCL gets you there faster.

Without a doubt, improving your coaches' training — whether they're seasoned or brand new — is the #1 way to grow your gym, your reputation, and your bottom line.

Enrollment is now closed until 2022!

Get instant access to a one-of-kind coach training program

Here's what you'll get when you join PCL:

  • Personalized learning for every coach — including the ability to assign specific lessons to individual coaches.
  • Clear, succinct progress reporting to see how fast or well coaches are progressing (and whether you need to reassign something).
  • Tiered pricing options to choose the plan that’s just right for your gym.
  • Brief and engaging video lessons to ensure ALL coaches have consistent training to serve kids at the highest level.
  • Action Guide Workbook to capture new learning & create a Whole Child Coaching Plan.
  • Gymnastics Milestone Charts for lesson planning support.
  • Developmental Milestone Charts to use as anchors when lesson planning.
  • Ongoing, monthly content boosts — like Ages and Stages, Skill Sharpeners, and Live Q&A sessions with Sarah — for continuous education, engagement, and growth.
Get on the waitlist